Saturday, December 18, 2010

Me, My Pans, And I

I'm getting over my fear of kitchen failure one successful recipe at a time and this blog shall note my successes as they come. For every entry that appears here, it's safe to assume a solid 5 recipes failed either due to a) my inability to translate a good recipe into good cooking or b)my testy palette not pleased with the final product.

So what you see is the cream of the crop - in my opinion. The fool-proof dishes that the novice of novices can even pull off and the ones that survived both me, likely my co-workers, and possibly my family and friends and got the two thumbs up worthy of making this blog. I'm a picky eater that sticks to the basics so you're likely going to see items made from chicken, beef, pork, basic veggies and a whole lot of sweets. I'm a lover of sweets. Beyond that - you're on your own.

I get giddy with the purchase of each Calphalon pan, Cuisinart accessory and little OXO gadget. Really, it's somewhat ridiculous. I buy numerous recipe books that other people recommend and then more than half of the time end up pulling recipes from the internet. Go figure. I'm on a mission to use these tools to their utmost potential and maybe, just maybe, someday I'll actually have conquered enough of a volume of recipes to be deemed...a good cook.

Let's begin in no particular order...

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